1. Choose a review center that would bring out the best in you. The Lecturers will not be there for you during the board exam, as i quote “Hindi ang mga lecturers ang magaling, dapat kayo kasi kayo ang magtatake ng exam”
2. No overcrowding policies. How can you concentrate in a review if you are seated at the back or already standing? It would be very uncomfortable to you.
3. Programs or style of review must be based on latest technological and developments that would help you more. since we are in the new generation, why would you choose a traditional review composing of “lectures and reading” if you can only gain 20% retention learning on it? Try looking for a higher retention rate for better learning
At the end of the day, it is not the review centers that will ensure your success in the board examination, it is your own perseverance, discipline, and hard work that will determine your success in the quest to become a professional nurses endowed with knowledge, skills and right attitude
TOP Review Center in the Philippines - Directory Listing
Choosing Nursing Review Centers
Selecting the best review center is like choosing the best answer in a board exam question. Almost all choices appear to be correct but only one is the best answer. So how exactly does one arrive at the best decision? Use the nursing process! Read the source article here
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